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March 18th

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Breakout Session 1






Breakout Session 2


Breakout Session 3


March 19th

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Learning Institute

9:00 am


3:00 pm















Session Details

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Room: Auditorium

Challenging Behavior Management

Presented by

Jac Fede, Amy Laurent

' Reframing our understanding of challenging behaviors through a lens of regulation, is critical for providing support that is both affirming and also useful. Scaffolding a young person’s regulation skills and abilities is ...'

Learning Track: Growing Edge Topics

Breakout Session 1 (9:15)

Room: 325 AB

Building a More Culturally Responsive bryt Intervention

Presented by

Katie McCormack, Becca Neubardt

' This session will explore the concept of cultural responsiveness and what it can look like in a bryt intervention. Participants will reflect on their own bryt intervention’s current level of cultural responsiveness, and ...'

Learning Track: Growing Edge Topics

Breakout Session 1 (9:15)

Room: 325 C

Foundations of bryt Family Engagement Cultivating Mindsets, Systems, and Relationships for Strong Connections

Presented by

Julie Patton, Victor Bradley, LaKeysha Edwards, Megan Harding

' This workshop is designed for both those who are new to bryt - and those long-time interventions that want to pull back and revisit the foundations of their family engagement work.  The session will explore key structura ...'

Learning Track: Family Engagement

Breakout Session 1 (9:15)

Room: Danielson 375

Supporting Systems Level Change Within Your Sphere of Control

Presented by

Tracy Floeckher, Adam Diliberto, Trish Schramm, Chyna Malik

' This session will provide participants with the opportunity to learn and collaborate with other educators to determine the most effective ways to create incremental systems level change within their school buildings. Pan ...'

Learning Track: Academic Coordinators

Breakout Session 1 (9:15)

Room: Dining Room (EDR)

Interpreting “Behaviors” Utilizing Trauma-Reducing Formulations and Frameworks

Presented by

Courtney Tucker, Sarah Rigney

' This session will provide participants with a review of core principles  for adults to embrace across multiple frameworks and formulations focused on reducing trauma and increasing connection. A particular emphasis will ...'

Learning Track: Clinical Coordinators

Breakout Session 1 (9:15)

Room: 305

Introduction to the bryt Model Intervention Planning & Implementation

Presented by

Katherine Houle, Dylan Couturier

' This session will include an overview of the basics of the bryt model intervention, evidence of its success, and how the bryt team helps schools start and continuously improve their bryt interventions. Time will be built ...'

Learning Track: New to bryt

Breakout Session 2 (12:40)

Room: 305

Implementation and Innovation in bryt Elementary Interventions

Presented by

Erin DiPalma, Trisha Bruck

' In this session, we will discuss implementation of the bryt model at the elementary level. We will explore the ways in which the core components of the traditional bryt model are implemented, as well as ways to promote h ...'

Learning Track: Growing Edge Topics

Breakout Session 2 (12:40)

Room: 325 AB

The Power of Many Building a Culture of Shared Leadership

Presented by

Kerry Whiterell

' This session is designed to help school administrators and bryt staff enhance equity within their bryt programs through shared leadership. Participants will explore how different leadership styles influence equity outcom ...'

Learning Track: Admin/Leadership

Breakout Session 2 (12:40)

Room: Danielson 375

The Intersection of Executive Functioning and Mental Health

Presented by

Lisa Winner, Gabi Simmons, Lindsey Yamaguchi

' In this session we will explore what it is like for students who struggle with executive functioning and how this can impact their mental health and success in school. Using interactive activities, case studies and small ...'

Learning Track: Academic Coordinators

Breakout Session 2 (12:40)

Room: Auditorium

DBT Practices in bryt

Presented by

Courtney Balacco, Stephanie Glenn

' Oftentimes, students who struggle emotionally in school are silent, avoidant, or act out behaviorally. These behaviors can be challenging for teachers to manage in the classroom. The key to supporting them as learners is ...'

Learning Track: Clinical Coordinators

Breakout Session 3 (1:55)

Room: Danielson 375

Healing-Centered Art Practices Using Creativity to Explore Identity, Cultivate Belonging, and Resist Oppression

Presented by

Zemora Tevah, Alex Baldwin, Erin DiPalma

' The children’s mental health crisis is disproportionately impacting Black, LGBTQIA+, Latino, and immigrant youth (including those who belong to more than one of these communities). Schools, as a microcosm of our society, ...'

Learning Track: Growing Edge Topics

Breakout Session 3 (1:55)

Room: 305

Building Sustainability for bryt Within Your District

Presented by

Trisha Bruck, Lindsey Yamaguchi, Aviva Kafka

' This session will explore creative ways to sustain bryt from the view of bryt staff, building administrators/department heads and district leaders. Through small group discussion we will think about how bryt values can b ...'

Learning Track: Admin/Leadership

Breakout Session 3 (1:55)

Room: 325 C

Starting Off Warm and Clear Engaging Families in a Simulated bryt Entry Meeting

Presented by

Julie Patton, Victor Bradley, LaKeysha Edwards, Megan Harding

' This workshop will utilize a simulation-inspired technique as an experiential tool to explore the bryt entry meeting from the perspective of a bryt parent new to the intervention. This session will be useful for anyone n ...'

Learning Track: Family Engagement

Breakout Session 3 (1:55)

Room: Dining Room (EDR)

Practices to Support Establishing a Trauma-informed bryt Space 

Presented by

John Crocker

' Participants will be provided with a foundational understanding of trauma and its impacts on students, including understanding the importance of considering how dysregulated students process information and respond to st ...'

Learning Track: Academic Coordinators

Breakout Session 3 (1:55)

Room: 325 AB

Dysregulated Adults Cultivating a Culture of Wellness and Community Care

Presented by

Courtney Tucker, Sarah Rigney

' This session will examine the ways in which dysregulation impacts everyday functioning, relationship building, teaching and learning. Special attention will be given to the ways in which ACES, historical trauma, technolo ...'

Learning Track: Clinical Coordinators


Room: Dining Room (EDR)

Leveling UP!  Comprehensive Support for Emotional Regulation

Presented by

Jac Fede, Amy Laurent

' Active engagement in meaningful activities, desired relationships, and diverse environments is reliant on regulation. It is well documented that neurodivergent (ND) people experience regulation challenges. Often, these d ...'

Learning Track: Growing Edge Topics

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